Feb 28, 2009

Week 28: Animal Assignments! (Round 1) and Sadness

The super sweet goodness that is animal assignments finally happened this week! Much excitement, and disappointment, were had this week. For me, it was really all the former! Just to leave you not hanging in suspense much longer (I know some of you haven't heard yet) my assignments are: Kissu-mountain lion, Nuez-agouti, vervet monkeys (Annie, Sydney, and Benji), and Ghost-bald eagle! I think I got a pretty good run! Although only one of these animals were my first choice, I really love all of them and am really excited to start this turn over process (some of which I've already started!) This is also called round 1 since there is an extras list of animals that need more trainers, so there will/should be more added soon.
Turnovers are a multi-stepped process that generally start with writing a short paper on the species, including a breif personal history of the animal. Then you progress to doing about 2-3 hours of observations, no more than 30 minutes at a time, sometimes with more specific criteria about those (i.e. times of day, activities, public hours, etc.). Then the really fun stuff starts and you learn the diets, behaviors, and begin fully interacting with the animal! I already did a few things with Kissu, and I've been learning about cleaning Ghost's mew (a.k.a. enclosure).
Meanwhile, I am very close to finishing my 30 hours of observations on Spirit (mountain lion) for my behavior paper. There is now very suddenly tons of stuff to do at the zoo and trainers are pulling us left and right to go learn new things about our new animals. I often have to choose between animals since a lot of things happen at the same times of day. I think so far, I'm keeping it even and I've done something with all of my new assignments, and I've gotten two of my four papers written (I'm sure I'll work on the others tomorrow or Monday). I've also gotten observations started on all of my animals. I have to piece them out in the half-hour chunks, and be mindfull of finding the other times of day to do them. The good news is that I can do Kissu observations (and sometimes Ghost) while I sit and do Spirit! I love multi-tasking.
On a super sad note, we lost another this week. Tuesday morning, Hamilton, our other Yucatan mini pig, was put down. He was very old and had a bone infection that was too far gone to realistically fix. Hammy was awesome and will be deeply missed. *moment of silence*
Since you guys have seen pictures of Ghost and the vervets before, I'll just post a few pics of Kissu and Nuez, plus a bonus pic of Happy-American alligator!

Feb 22, 2009

Week 27: Hurry Up and Wait

I feel lately that there is all kinds of business going on, yet I still have some free-time. This cloud of stressful feelings will hopefully lift either once spring spec hits or after it is over. This week I missed the work day on Monday, so I had to make up the hours, which works out since it rained and nothing could get painted. I spent Friday and Saturday afternoons painting and prepping the Eye 2 Eye theater for spring spec, and I got a lot done, but it's not finished just yet. The behavior test wasn't too bad and I'm sure I got a solid B on that, if not better. The word on the street again is that we'll have our animal assignments this Wednesday, but I won't hold my breath. Still no word on pandas, next week we'll take action if they remain quiet.
My main emotion I feel anymore is a deep, seething rage, but no worries, it's all built up towards one person! That's right, it's that annoying dufus that I'm a manager with. I just want to ignore him and make him go away, however, with every turn, he manages to do something else to royally tick me off and it's not going to be much longer before I explode in his face. I'm pretty sure that if I actually do that, he'll back down and be officially afraid of me and not want to mess with me. I'd like that. Right now I'm just holding out the hope that I haven't somehow ended up co-trainer with him....that would really tear it for me... Anywho, pics are Bwana-White-cheeked turaco, Friday-raccoon.

Feb 15, 2009

Week 26: Gearing Up

This week was setting us up for a lot of work. We had our first test in anatomy (super easy) and our first test in behavior is happening next week. Other than that, things have been fairly quiet so I started clicker training my rats, and they haven't got it just yet, but I feel they are very close. I'm really enjoying my rats and they seem to be bonding well to me. We haven't heard back from the panda people yet, but we did learn that the head keeper just got back from vacation, so hopefully we will soon. It's starting to look like this will happen in April since there's not much time left before spring spec.
The weather has not been too cooperative lately. It has been freakin' cold here (seriously, like freezing temps in the mornings) and now really rainy. This is hugely un-helpful since Friday and next Monday are our designated work days to get the zoo all nice and shiny for spring spec. The rain on Friday prevented most of the useful work from getting done (i.e. painting the theatre, painting anything else, set design, etc.). It's looking like Monday will be the same story, and there's not much repreive from the wetness the rest of this week either. There's still time to get this stuff done, it's just not going to be as convenient to do anymore. Spring spec will still happen, don't worry, it just means we'll have to put in a little extra time from our own personal hours to get it done. Your pictures this week are Rosie- Olive baboon, and Baxter- Yucatan mini pig.

Feb 7, 2009

Week 25: Realizations

A lot of things just really hit me this week as to just how busy my life is about to get. We were given our manager positions this week. I got safety manager. I share this position with a good friend, and a total moron. My friend and I are both well acquainted through our families with emergency preparedness, especially fires, which is the main issue at school. The other guy is a dufus who was working for a contractor and now thinks somehow he knows everything about everything. We're working to let him hang himself, but there's also a good chance he won't quite make it through this semester, so we'll see. We not only are in charge of emergency evacuation stuff, but also making sure all MSDS sheets are available and that first aid kits are fully stocked. Nothing super cool, but it'll look pretty sweet on a resume! We will all offically be turned over and start working on our manager duties by March 8! That's one month people.
Animal requests for our assignments were turned in this week, so now in about two or three weeks, we will get those back. Turn over for the animals will start tute-suite and we'll be taking over feeding and caring for them by April! In April the second years disappear on all their projects and we won't see them again really until their graduation in May. It's pretty crazy and it's all happening rather quickly. On top of all this turning-over business, we're still prepping for spring spec, still have assignments for other classes to work on, and I'm needing to start some rat training! Good thing I have quite a bit of free time in my schedule to get a lot of this stuff done! Parting shots today are Starsky-patagonian cavy, and Hudson-North American Beaver.