Oct 26, 2008

Week 10: Pre-Davis Insanity

This week was all about getting ready for the second years to be gone. We made sure that we were set in our area (nutrition) and that we knew what we were doing with our animal assignments. I kind of slacked off on building my relationship with the vervets so we aren't great buddies, not that any one really is with them. I did a few in-depth sessions with Benji, but he won't let me bedroom him so we can clean his enclosure, so I'll have to rely on my other caretaker for that while I keep working on it. Ebony and I have a pretty good relationship, I got her to do all her behaviors for me the other day and she gets excited to see me now.
I did my first emcee on saturday! It was OK, nothing to write home about. It was pretty awesome to have Clarence (our glapagos tortoise) in the show; I didn't even know he came up for them. We also had the start of Boo at the Zoo, our Halloween themed event. It was definately under-advertised, so it was sort of a bust, but we'll wait and see how we did money-wise to fully judge it. I'll be really busy next week, feeding all my animal charges! I'll be sure to post lots of cool pictures!

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