Nov 3, 2008

Week 11: DAVIS!!!

Davis week was excellent! I had lots of fun feeding everything, namely Ebony since I did so many behaviors with her. I really like her and enjoyed working with her a lot (see pics)! It was a bit light on us academically this week with the monumental exception of the diversity test that Gary was nice enough to give us. It sent multiple people into spiraling-out-of-control panic attacks. There were definitely a few days that were far more stressful than I wanted them to be, but that's the way it goes sometimes. It was really nice to have my own key too; not having to wait around for some second year to unlock something, or having to carry around the giant block with a key attached to it. I think a lot of our class's dynamic showed through this week, and they weren't all positive. Over all, things went well for everyone, and nobody/thing died! We also got our assignments for projects week. The second years are coming back, staying for a week, then leaving again for a week. That time I'll be caring for Puppy (turkey vulture), Sweet Pea (Barn owl), and Nova (Great horned owl). So, I'll be learning how to take care of those guys next week. Also be prepared to tackle some unpleasant subjects...

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