Oct 13, 2008

Week 8: Back to my roots

This week we had another diversity test, he's starting to be really hard and crafty. I'm not worried I failed or anything, but we'll see. I've been seeing a lot of the vervets this week, creating some BE for them that they seemed to enjoy. On a progressive note, we got our assignments for Davis week and I'll be in nutrition. I actually like nutrition (I've got the knife skills, so I knock those diets out). Since there's obviously no animals in nutrition, I've been assigned on the side to parrots. Not too excited about that, but no complaint here as I got a special assignment with the vervets. Next week we'll know what specific animals we've been assigned and we'll start working with them. I did another manning session this week, this time with our red-tailed hawk, Arrow. He's pretty cool.
As for the title of this little entry, this week I was assigned to hoof stock area. That's my current skill base with animals, and I had a lot of fun getting back to that smell (you know what I'm talking about). Walking Nick (our mini-horse) was lots of fun; he's definitely got a lot of spunk and I ran with him for fun! It was constant work, but pretty easy to me, just lots of raking and shoveling poo. I can't quite believe how much those sheep can poop out in one day...
On a more fun note, I was a handler in a show this weekend with one of our sugar gliders, Darwin. So, this was my first appearance on stage, just letting that guy crawl all over me while the emcees talked about him. My husband thought that was pretty neat-o and came along to take some pics. That's all for this week, next week should prove an exciting post...


Anonymous said...

What is "BE"?

Sorry I am late getting to many of your blog posts, Liz, but listen, I am LOVING this blog! Your student life seems so exciting and cool and awesome! How wonderful for you! Sounds like you are being as successful as you knew you would be. I need to find a way to get an email whenever you do a new post. Is there a way?

Firelizard said...

Awesome! glad you're reading and ejoying it!

BE is short for behavioral enrichment (I wasn't sure if I'd explained it before, I guess I haven't). That's why you see those balls and tree branches and things in with animals. It also includes doing silly things with their diets, like hiding them around the enclosure, or putting them in boxes with shredded paper (forage box). Just stuff to stimulate their minds. And, you might be interested to know that we are required by law to provide daily BE for primates!

Firelizard said...

Oh yeah, and I think you can do this blog as an RSS feed if you know how to do all that.