Feb 22, 2009

Week 27: Hurry Up and Wait

I feel lately that there is all kinds of business going on, yet I still have some free-time. This cloud of stressful feelings will hopefully lift either once spring spec hits or after it is over. This week I missed the work day on Monday, so I had to make up the hours, which works out since it rained and nothing could get painted. I spent Friday and Saturday afternoons painting and prepping the Eye 2 Eye theater for spring spec, and I got a lot done, but it's not finished just yet. The behavior test wasn't too bad and I'm sure I got a solid B on that, if not better. The word on the street again is that we'll have our animal assignments this Wednesday, but I won't hold my breath. Still no word on pandas, next week we'll take action if they remain quiet.
My main emotion I feel anymore is a deep, seething rage, but no worries, it's all built up towards one person! That's right, it's that annoying dufus that I'm a manager with. I just want to ignore him and make him go away, however, with every turn, he manages to do something else to royally tick me off and it's not going to be much longer before I explode in his face. I'm pretty sure that if I actually do that, he'll back down and be officially afraid of me and not want to mess with me. I'd like that. Right now I'm just holding out the hope that I haven't somehow ended up co-trainer with him....that would really tear it for me... Anywho, pics are Bwana-White-cheeked turaco, Friday-raccoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First, I have to say, I would personally never pass up a chance to learn primate behavior, but that's but one of the differences between you and me, Liz. I like primates, you like cats. Yet we can still get along...

Next, keep your cool, Liz. The world is full of dufuses and they will burn themselves out. This is not the last one you will have to deal with in life. You should only help speed along their self-demise if you can do so passive-aggressively, surrepticiously, sneakily, etc. Keep your nose clean.

Finally, thanks for posting more pics all the time. I love the names - whoever names animals around there has a great knack for it!

Really hoping to come visit you guys sometime next year - our girls would love it!