Jul 20, 2009

Week 48: Spoke Too Soon

Remember how I said everyone was healthy and happy? Yeah, ignore that. Schmoo, the sea lion, is having issues witht that flipper infection again. The new thing is that Laramie, the golden eagle, got a blood infection. We are trying to get more solid information on exactly what is wrong with her, but the tests are taking time to come back. In the mean time, it would appear that all eagle trainers are pitching in for her care. Looks like next week is busy!
I do feel like my schedule is slowing down a little. No more classes, just a few appointments to keep here and there. The heat is just brutal still. I find myself sitting in the computer lab catching up on TV with hulu (amazing site). Training is going well, I think I've found the way to finish off Kissu's behavior, but I'm still stuck on Benji. Hopefully I'll have another epiphany like I did with Kissu. There is sadness in the fact that some of these animal assignments are coming to a close and we are starting to pick new ones for the fall. I'll be keeping Ghost and the vervets, but I'll be loosing my big cuddly kitty, Kissu, and Chance, and Nova, and Nuez. I'm sure I'll love my new animals, and that the new trainers for these guys will be great!
Meanwhile, there's only two weeks until I'm on vacation! I need to start pulling the house together so it's all ready for our new roomie who will arrive while I'm gone. Yea vacation!


jrfisher.co said...

Even though I hear about everything at home, i still like to read about it here! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Love reading the updates! Go LIZ!
Mark and Sandy