Jan 4, 2010

Week 72: Winter Wonderland and Frozen Tears

This week the Hubbs and I took a trip to his homeland of Colorado to visit his family and to enjoy the New Year! It was relaxed and low key for the most part, and definitely cold and snowy! I got to meet my nephew for the first time and he won't remember it at all, since he's only a whopping 5 months old. It's cool how fast things grow up though. Overall, it was a good escape from the zoo and a good reconnection to what winter is supposed to feel like. I must admit though, it would have been nice if I had spent a bit of time with my family, but this is the married life. I did have the misfortune of returning home to discover that Sampson, our decrepitly old bobcat (we're talking 22 here!) passed away finally. They expected him to die the summer just prior to us starting the program, and here he hung on this long with chronic renal failure. Very impressive. It was definitely his time, but his adorable puss-face will be missed. (Pictures: Sampson, Elephants at Discovery Kingdom)

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