Mar 22, 2010

Week 82: My Buddy and Me

Amid the flurry of prepping for the opening weekend of Spring spec, life went on, and some didn't. I found Buddy, the raccoon to be losing energy all week and we knew it was near the end for him. He finally stopped being too interested in food, especially the food he needed to be interested in, and we made the call to euthanize him. It wasn't easy for some, but I saw it coming all week and was shockingly not over emotional about it. It felt even better later when in the necropsy, a 1 lb liver tumor was found. The things these animals hide...
The rest of the week did go on, and we learned such silly things as gun safety and blow dart skills! My tickets are all purchased for projects at the ABMA conference in Pittsburgh and the following week hanging out at the Cat Ambassador program at the Cincinnati zoo! And, so far, spring spec is going alright, but definitely a bust from last year...sadness. (Pics: Buddy, Ghost in spring spec)

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