Mar 22, 2010

Week 83: Vetrinary Insanity

This week, I was late back to the zoo twice due to vet issues. On Monday, Peggy got spayed (finally!) and we had to drive forever away to get her and got back to the zoo around 5. The next night, we took Ghost in for a work up since he's had some weird issues (turns out to look fine so far) and we got back from that at around 6:30 pm...arg. He's also been pulled from shows until further notice to keep his stress down. Very frustrating! At least he did well in spring spec on last Saturday so I should have gotten a good grade then. This week is fairly light so we can all stay focused on the event at hand. Sometimes I wish it just ran for a week straight... Ah well. We are making some money, it's just not as good or impressive as last year due to the laziness of a few people who were supposed to get the word out. All us second years are feeling the end is near and it's getting a little sad, and exciting. Still no word on any job front for me...but it's out there...somewhere.

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