Aug 5, 2008

Ready for Back to School!

My adventure is about to begin. A few months ago, my husband and myself moved out here in hopes that I would be starting school soon. He had gotten a good engineering job to support my educational endeavor and I attempted to find a good temporary job, but without a car, it just didn't work out like we'd hoped, so I've been playing housewife. It's not the most fun in the world (I'm imagining that it's better when there's kids to look after, but we won't be getting those for a while) but I'm not complaining since he works and commutes so far everyday. We did find out that I was accepted to school and that was a relief to know that it would only be two years we needed to spend out here.
Let me explain this nerve-racking acceptance process for the program. All applications must be submitted by November. After that, everyone that meets the base requirements laid out by the program on the website (and on the application if you're really thick) is invited to the information meetings in March where they try their best to scare as many people as possible out of the running. I already knew this was going to be a tough, time-consuming program; I've more than prepared myself for that. After those meetings, 52 names are randomly drawn out of a hat and we are notified that we made it in! At that point, you can still drop out if the money situation doesn't work out for you and the alternates they've drawn get their chances at getting in too. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait for that, I made it on the first draw, on my first try at applying. (I've heard of people that have tried up to four times to get in!) I'm a big believer in fate and destiny type stuff, so this was a clear sign it was meant to be.
Now it's August, I've just had a birthday and I'm ready to go! My husband and I decided it'd be good for us to put that second bedroom to good use and got a roommate (another EATM student). She's moving in this Thursday! I'm pretty excited; it's going to be weird as we haven't really talked much, and we've never even seen pictures of each other... I'll obviously post again to update on how she'll work out once she gets here.
Next Monday, orientation begins! Then class the next week. I am so excited to get this ball-a-rollin'!

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