Aug 10, 2008


I got my roommate in on Thursday, and she is awesome! She may not be a cook, but I can tell we're going to work out just fine. Jon ran away this weekend so we've been hanging out and getting to know each other. I introduced her to the excellent In and Out Burger last night and then we went to a party full of other EATM students. We went mostly to see what kind of people we'd be spending the next two years of our lives with, and we were not too dissapointed. Obviously, when you have a group as large as 52+ people, not everyone is going to be best friends, or even kind of friends. They were all in last-ditch party mode last night, too, so that might have had an influence on a few personalities. All in all, we're super psyched to start orientation tomorrow and get this show a rollin'!

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