Dec 7, 2008

Week 16: Study for Your Life

This week was pretty insanely uneventful. The over-arching issue is with one of our cougars, Sage. He is one of our brothers who peacefully co-exist (a rarity with solitary cats). He has come up with a major spinal problem, making it difficult for him to use his back legs/tail. We immediately separated him and put him on heavy sterioids. After consulting with neurologists on the x-rays we took, they wanted to do surgery. As he was about to go to surgery, Sage was found up and walking on all four legs, so the IV drugs were working. We are holding off on the surgery for now so we can hopefully find out what the exact problem is (maybe do a CT scan?) and maybe resolve it in a cheaper way than using the very expensive specialists to do a very expensive/dangerous spinal surgery. My thoughts are with him!
Other than that, all we're doing as first years is studying our butts off for finals. Namely, the slide final in diversity. We are trying to re-learn all 300 something slides for a 150 question test. This test is 40% of our grade in the lab, so failing it is not an option at all for anyone. I'll be fine. Don't study quite as much as everyone else does, but that's my style. I don't stress. I'm also trying to work on finishing up my volunteer hours so I get more points for the animal assignments that are coming up. Just about 4 hours left for me! I leave you now with a few pictures I took this week of Taj, Walter, and Dunny (in that order).

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