Nov 30, 2008

Week 15: Giving Thanks

Oh yea, I laid on that cheese, and I might just lay it on a little thicker if you stick around for the rest of this post...This week, being thanksgiving, was light on class work. There was no diversity lab which means no tests/quizzes in that class. The others were just as easy as always.
The downside to doing what I'm doing I think has maybe just started to sink in with the people I know and love most. Since I work the Wed.-Sat. side of the week for area, that meant I worked on and through the entire holiday. I wasn't thrilled, but it's just part of working with animals. Sadly, I was in Parrots this week, with two people who aren't my favorites, so that part was crappy. Having to come back to school at night to do PM work that only consisted of walking the emu and a little sweeping was fairly lame, but again, part of that responsibility that I have accepted and try to not complain about. This lack of holidays will likely follow me after I've left. As long as the lives of animals depend on my working, this will be a possibility. Starting a job at where ever I end up will likely put me low on the totem pole of when I can take off for vacations, so it's something everyone in my life (including me) needs to accepting of. I didn't say happy about, just accepting.
On the up side of it all, hubby pulled off an amazing feast with one of the best turkeys I've ever had! And my pumpkin cheesecake was pretty amazing as well. We're still enjoying all of it and I'm looking at the leftover recipes for the turkey! The nice thing was that I had nothing to do this weekend after my morning work on Saturday so we still had some nice holiday down time at home!
OK, get out the crackers. Sitting around, having thanksgiving, talking to all my family on all sides, really got me thinking things of cheesiness that I hadn't thought about in a long time. I am so very thankful for my wonderful family, the ones I am stuck with and the ones I've deliberately brought into my life. I am thankful for a wonderful, patient, and very loving husband who is really putting up with quite a lot right now and taking it rather well. I am thankful to be part of this program that I know will start my assuredly amazing career with animals.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna kick my self to walk around this week and get some pic of something for you guys next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are happy to have you in our lives too! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas...
Mark and Sandy Fisher