Dec 28, 2008

Week 19: The Holidays?

Apparently, Christmas happened this week. Despite receiving some fantastic gifts and chatting with family via our web-cam, I just didn't feel it. I don't know if it was the lack of family actually being present, or if it was the fact that I reported to the zoo at 8AM on Christmas morning to hose down some animal poo, or some combination there-of. I'm not complaining. This is really what I signed up for, knowing full well that holidays will likely never be the same for me since the animals will always need caring for! Really, what better Christmas present is there than to feed a super cute ocelot a fish on Christmas? So, all is well at America's Teaching Zoo at present, and nothing major to report in on that front. I'll leave you with a shot of our councilor/advisor taking a festive shot with Clarence, our beloved Galapagos tortoise!

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