Dec 21, 2008

Week 18: Semester 1 = over

As of Thursday this week, our first semester is over! So far it seems we've all survived. Only one of our classmates is dropping out and it is due to financial issues, which is understandable. Grades are slowly being posted, and I'm only missing one right now, so besides that, it's all A's! Not that anything was too insanely hard, but yeah, I'm kind of a brainiac. So for a few weeks now, I only have area and day watch, so I can relax at home a bit! Care taking for the last time was nice this week. Everyone did all right, except poor Sweet Pea, the barn owl. She's decrepitly old and her weight is not doing so well. Not much to be done about it!
This weekend is our big christmas/holiday event called "presents for primates". It was sort of over taken by an arctic conservation event though, and now it's much better I think. People did a lot of work advertising the fact that we got a whole bunch of snow for kids to play in, and some of the animals got it too. There were so many people there it was a mad house! The primates had a good time opening up their presents too! I will now leave you with a ton of great pics and even an awesome video of Taj playing with her ball!


Anonymous said...

Good work on the grades! Love the pictures and the video was great. Do you let the tiger play with the ball in the cage after the chasing part?
Mark and Sandy

Firelizard said...

No, she never gets to actually touch it. She'd rip it apart and probably eat it, which we can all forsee a surgical ending to.