Apr 5, 2009

Week 33: Money!

Money inevitably and most agreeably sucks. However, that is not the reference I'm making. For our Spring Spectacular, we raised more money than ever before, and by a whole lot. We raised over $55,000!! We've apparently never hit even $50,000. Yeah us! We're going to have a good and tough time beating that next year, but we'll certainly do our best.
For the rest of the week, we began officially feeding our animals and really getting into the swing of how this summer is going to be. The second years are all starting to leave for their various projects and destinations across the globe. They will be missed, but they are not officially gone just yet. Graduation is in May, then they're out. It's been lots of fun taking care of everything full time and working with all my animals. There is a little co-trainer drama already rearing it's ugly head, but it's not as horrid as some of the stories I've heard.
My rats are still doing well and I'm totally convinced that Crow is a super genius. I'll post a video as soon as he's learned the whole maze. I'm still spending all day, every day at the zoo, but hubby is being awesomely understanding about it all. I'll get a day off eventually... At least next week is spring break, so no classes, but we still have to do shows. Not really a break, but ah well. Pictures: Gumdrop- Kookaburra, Hollywood- Blue-fronted yellow-headed amazon, Salsa- Catalina macaw, Julietta- Emu

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