Sep 22, 2009

Week 57: Drama Class

Not a lot of big or impressive things happened this week. I have no idea if the segment on E! for the fundraiser happened. I've been pretty busy and things have gotten harder since my car was taken by the hubby to replace his broken one.
The first year class has been very interesting so far. I feel that the vast majority of them are highly immature and inexperienced with any type of animal. We had some issues this week with one of them shooting off her mouth a bit too much about things she didn't fully understand and she got a good talking to from the staff about it. That didn't make her very happy, but hopefully it taught her a good lesson. There are a lot of really great first years too though and I'm glad we have most of them around. Things like this also make me wonder how our second years perceived us when we started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one's made a comment in a while - I still like reading about your school, even though I hear all about it at home.
Love Ya - JON