Sep 28, 2009

Week 58: Kissu Check-up

It looks like the E! apperance didn't pan out, which doesn't really suprise me at all. Ah well. This week I continued to get by without a vehicle of my own, which is starting to get very old. Fortunately, I have a good roommate who is willing to deal with it all! Being a lead in area has been interesting, getting to know various people I haven't met yet and learning more about ones I do know.
The coolest part of my week was on Friday, we knocked-down Kissu, my summer mountain lion assignment. All trainers, past and present got to help out and watch everything and it was very interesting. The whole thing ended up taking around three hours, which was way longer than I expected, but we did a full check up as well as some closer looks at things that we found odd. The origional reason for the knock-down was a bump we saw in his mouth and we weren't sure what it was, so we were trying to figure that out, but it had dissapated due to the antibiotics he was put on. Other things we did were: draw blood, cystocentesis (urine sample straight from the bladder), x-rays on his paws and face, palpating the body, cleaned the teeth, ultra-sound on his liver (which seemed abnormal), and a nipple-ectomy. That's right folks, probably one of the strangest things, a nipple-ectomy. We removed his left, first nipple because it had some funky things going on with it, and he's male, so he doesn't need it. Here's some cool pictures of what we did:

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