Oct 9, 2009

Week 59: Rare Kitty Close Up

Had a pretty good week! Things were functioning as normal. Mau was taken to a vet to get her eye checked out. Apparently her eye lid/lashes are curling inwards, irritating her eye. Might have to fix this surgically... Sadly, this trip seems to have destroyed her trust in us and set something off in her brains. She has suddenly stopped coming out of the hoofstock area again, so she's out of shows until we can fix that. On the up side, Bwana seems to be trusting again and that's all back on track. Have my mid-term for those behaviors next week!
On Thursday, I had a Santa Barbara zoo day. It was great! I worked the cat string. They have lots of really rare and cool cats and one of the most rare, an Amur leopard (there's only like, 30 left in the wild!!), was knocked-down to get a look at him, so I got to mess with him (petting, exploring) and help with that procedure!
The best news of all came on Friday: the Davis trip is on and approved! It was in limbo for a while, but now it's all approved and we are taking a sweet charter bus that is being paid for, so it's cheaper than usual! Everyone is releived and excited to know that's going to happen now. Sorry I don't have any sweet pics for you this week...

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