Mar 11, 2010

Week 80: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Lynx?

The week opened with postings for us second years to request to be trainers on the new animals we were going to receive. I put my name in, not expecting anything since there were people I thought were worse off than me for animals, but unexpectedly, I got assigned to Sundance, the lynx! We found that happy news out on Wednesday. Also on Wednesday, my group gave their lack-luster performance of our ethics skit, and nailed it! I love teachers that don't care enough to actually grade anything hard. This week also marked the beginning of full dress rehearsals for spring spec! Everything is still clicking away there with little issue.
As a fun thing I was asked by a staff member to take Ghost (the bald eagle) to a boy scout eagle award ceremony on Saturday. It actually went pretty well, except that they got my name wrong, and they kept calling Ghost a she....ah well, all in fun! Everyone loved it and was very appreciative! To top it all off, on Friday, we were surprised with the information that Butch the bobcat, and Sundance the lynx were coming in on Saturday night! So I got to meet them and they are going to be a great learning experience... (Pics: Butch, Sundance)

1 comment: said...

Sundance always looks angry to me. something about that face.