Apr 18, 2010

Week 87: Harrison's Out of Chance

Been a pretty slow week, really. I only have to put in fifteen hours at the zoo, over four days, so I'm mostly kicking it at home, relaxing and job hunting. Vegas did not pan out for a project, but still a possible job. On Wednesday, I got surprised by a bunch of physicals going on for some animals and I ended up helping out, sort of playing vet tech for the day. I really enjoyed it! That's something I've always kicked-around doing, but that means yet another two years of school...bleh. Probably not going to happen, but possible. Unfortunately, as a result of one of those physicals, we decided it was Chance's time to leave us. It appeared that his liver was not functioning at all, or at least very little. That sucked. He was the best, and I will miss him dearly. More shockingly, on Friday morning, Harrison was found dead in his mew. Causes are yet to be determined, but it was totally unexpected. Crazyness. I really hope that was the end of the deaths for our class. There's at least not any more that I really see happening for sure soon. (Pics: Chance (binturong), Harrison (Harris hawk))

Apr 14, 2010

Bonus: Job Rant/Ramble

I figured since I'll be gone for two weeks and unable to post, I'd go ahead and make a little bonus post, but it's not gonna be a pretty one. As I am using this blog-thingy as some what of a diary and place to put my personal thoughts, I'm gonna go ahead and do this here, but be warned, some people might not be happy after reading this. I'm sorry in advance, but these are my true feelings, and they just need to be out there. I'm sure if you put yourself in my place, (which you'll better be able to do after reading this perhaps) you'd feel the same way or at least understand. I'm not hating, I'm just venting in the best way I know how.
Jobs. Jobs suck. Fundamentally, everyone knows this, yet everyone needs one/wants one. I am at the point where I am both. I do want a job, I desperately want to work in this wonderful world of animals, and yet, it is very hard to even get an interview it seems. The main reason I've spent the last two years of my life here is to give me an edge and get ahead in the job market, I'm sure it's helping, but I'm not sure by how much. I have applied for several jobs, all over the country, doing several different things, and yet, no dice. I unfortunately don't have the luxury of taking a seasonal or unpaid internship position as many of my classmates do. The married life is great, but I'm definitely better understanding the whole "ball and chain" bit. Every day I check the job boards and put myself out there for something new, find myself asking if that's something I even want to do or if it's some place I even want to be. Now, as graduation is nearing, I find myself caring less and less about the gritty details and more about just getting something that pays me money. I'm driving myself crazy. While I seem to be applying willy-nilly across the nation, I also have to consider the hubs and what he can do where. He will make more moneys than myself, that is for sure, so it is very important to consult with him along this super crazy journey. It's rough at times, there have been a few minor tiffs, but nothing major, and really I think we're kind of ignoring it until something concrete pops up (like an actual job offer, or even an interview at this point...). The even worse part is that it seems that his job market is getting just as difficult as mine. Jobs are tight everywhere for everyone, and that's no secret anymore.
As if I wasn't taking all this pressure from myself (trust me, you don't want to be in my head, I'm a real bitch, even to me...) and the hubs, and hearing about all my classmates' job ventures/possibilities, I'm getting it from all other imaginable sides. Anyone else related to me in any way has their own opinion on what I should do (OK, it's mostly the where, they could likely care less about the what), and that's totally understandable. In a perfect world, everyone who means something special to you in any way would all live just a stone's throw away and we'd hang out all day long and have picnics, etc. I cannot deny the fact that it would be amazing to live near the people that I love and miss and have been very separated from for two amazing years, however, I also must deal with the reality that all of those people live in very different places and so no matter what happens, some one loses (in a sense) and there is no possible way to please everyone, so I'm taking the road of pleasing myself (in this case, that also includes the hubs, since, by marriage, he is basically an extension of me). Even pleasing the self is proving insanely difficult. I very much hope that I can end up somewhere where I'm near to at least someone I know, let alone someone related to me that I care dearly about. This is all of the difficult and crappy things that are going through my head and every time I hear another, "when are you moving out here?", or "how about that job in _____?", or "why on earth would you want to live there?" I just want to explode with all of these thoughts in their faces (or ear holes, depending on if they're on the phone...). If I start talking about a place that makes no sense, rest assured, I have a good reason, maybe because there's some super-awesome job that would make me immeasurably happy is hiding there. For those of you that care, (that are hopefully still reading this...) don't worry! I'll take care of me/us and we'll figure it out together. Too many cooks spoil the broth (or something like that). This time the broth is our life, and we'd like to make it together. Rest assured that all of you great crazy lovable people in our lives are also thought of in every decision that we make because you are all a part of us too! (otherwise we wouldn't be so crazy and lovable ourselves...)
Yeah for writing therapy! I hope that wasn't too harsh for anyone, but I hope that everyone reading this has felt like this at some point too. My intention is not to hurt feelings or push anyone away, but to allow everyone to follow along in my crazy mental journey that is quickly becoming an anxiety attack! Thanks for reading, I know writing all this out has actually really helped me a lot.

Apr 13, 2010

Week 86: School's Out Forever!

All formal classes (which was just the vet classes) wrapped up this week! We took our finals and then celebrated by throwing an "Outbreak" party. We all brought food and watched the great movie, Outbreak. Pretty simple. A few people also left this week on their projects. Some are not to be heard from again...which is great for me! Slowly now, people will be gone over the weeks, most are coming back for graduation, but not all. All of my first years are good to go, and I feel alright about leaving the animals with them. In EATM tradition, we exchanged gifts this week. We got gifts for them to use with the animals and they got their buddy's something nice to graduate with. Mine (yes, I have 2) were sweet enough to give me some good prints of pics I only have electronically and to blow up and frame a really cute one of me with the Pegs. I also got a gift card to buy a frame to put a pic of me and Ghost into. Such good buddies! I'm sure they're in for an interesting summer, but what class doesn't go through all that drama? It's a right of passage or something. Still waiting on official word about doing a Vegas project, but I'm optimistic! Now I'm just relaxing, until I start traveling! (Pics: Sundance's fluffy feet (duing knock-down), Spring spec pics)

Apr 4, 2010

Week 85: Spring Spec=Over

Sunday ended the big festivities. I won't be participating in another one of these except as a spectator! Hollywood Animals came out for our creature feature with one of their leopards (the one I went on set with). It was good to catch up with those guys. The week is now busy, yet empty because it's officially spring break for us. That basically means that with no classes, it was time to crack down on turn overs in a big way with the first years. Most of them have taken over the feeding calendars entirely now, and we have very little to do. Ghost is the one animal I have to stay involved with due to his medical issues, we are unable to let the first years man him just yet, but that's OK, it's not much of a time commitment. Even the Vervets' turn overs are going extremely well and they are taking to their new trainers with little resistance! Now we are looking at the real end approaching quickly. I find my self with lots of free time, yet little to do. I have trouble remembering things I did before the program, how to dress like a normal person (there's seriously cob webs on some of my clothes) and I'm applying for jobs like a crazy person. I just need some hope for employment! (Pics: Spring Spec show, Hollywood Animals [Athari again])

Week 84: Just Another Spring Spec.

The weeks are feeling longer, but less busy. Turnovers are progressing nicely and most first years are at a point where they can mostly take over now. I've got tons of day watch to be doing to make up for the weeks when I'm gone on projects. Some exciting news came in and I found out that the Vegas magician was hiring for sure and he might want to do a project with me (it sounded like as a working interview!). I sent in my resume and some head shots that a classmate helped me take as he requested. Now, I'm just waiting to find out if it will really happen! Spring Spec has picked up a bit, but still staying pretty slow. On Saturday, I actually some of my family that is local show up and they had a great time at the zoo! I was pretty happy to get someone besides Jon out for the show. I've been enjoying the show more myself as we haven't been beating it to death in rehearsals anymore. One of my classes officially ended this week, Ethics. It was an alright class, sure did open my eyes to how ignorant people are about what's happening in the movement, and that was largely due to my classmates, not so much due to the professor, although he's a pretty cool guy himself. (Pics: spring spec show, me and the vervets)