Jan 24, 2009

Week 23: Committee Craziness

Not much to report in the way of classes or animal events. I am working on getting my rat babies home soon, hopefully for next weeks post! The bigger part of this week was spent working with my spring spec committee and trying to get the theater set up and ready to go for next week. This has turned out to be a point of much hassle and confusion that is driving me up the wall almost literally. We have to put up fencing as a barrier to the back stage area. This fencing has been stolen over the year to be used in/on enclosures. So, we have had to acquire more. We are having trouble finding time to get it up and get the stage clean and working. However, it will all work out in the end and the first show happening on Monday should happen without issue from our end of it at least. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out what animals to ask for, and keeping an eye out for getting my other class assignments done. The really exciting bit is that one of our assignments is to go to another animal housing facility and interview the keepers and see what they do that is different, just to get a feel for how other places could work in the real world. I've teamed up with a friend and we are going to attempt to do this with the giant pandas at the San Diego zoo!! If that doesn't work out, then we'll go to red pandas, which are not related, but also super cute! So, be on the look out for more updates on that very exciting news! And here's your parting shot: Friday the raccoon.


Anonymous said...

Just catching up with all your posts, Liz. Wanted to mention that you are SO not alone in the family for working holidays. Your people in the entertainment biz deal with this, too (e.g., Blake and Paige). Also I am glad to see all your confidence - you surely are in the tail of the bell curve! Love the random animal pics and their names, too. Keep 'em coming.

Firelizard said...

Just wanted to point out to you since you asked about it earlier, that you can subscribe to this now! the link is on the top right corner.