May 9, 2009

Week 38: Farewell, Second Years

We are taking great strides as a class, learning how to work together, and figuring out how to work it with just us there. The second years have been gone for weeks now on their projects, and their time here has come to a close. A good lot of them already have secured fabulous jobs/internships and are heading out right away. Friday's graduation ceremony was very nice, and a very fitting send-off for such an awesome group. I wish I was confident to say that we will be remembered as a whole class as fondly, but it won't happen. Our class is pretty disappointing. There are bright points, but a lot of lows, and they seem to be out weighing so far. The summer will really tell though.
This week we also learned about an aspect of our summer and second year: zoo days. Here we will spend days at the Santa Barbara and Los Angeles zoos, shadowing a keeper(s) and seeing what they do and how. I'll actually be going to Santa Barbara on Tuesday to check out the bird line.
Another part of our summers were also decided this week: I'll be getting my week of vacation over my birthday, so look out Chicago! I'm coming to party!
Crow ran the maze this week, and it went fabulously! I got a 95%! I'm bringing home the maze this weekend and I'll make him run it one last time to get some video of him so you can all see the good work I'm doing out here! Pictures: (Savuti- Spotted hyena, Kiara [Savannah]- African lion, Ceylon- Burmese python, Madagascar hissing cockroaches)

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