Jun 10, 2009

Week 42: BLEH!

Classes are good. Training is going well. We have a mid-term next week and it should be fine. A sad decision was made this week to put Dunny, our Scottish highland cow down next week. It has been found that he has some genetic issues with his legs/joints and is in massive pain, and there's nothing we can do about it. Much sadness there.
On an up note, we took a field trip in primates to "Animal Guys" and it was fun. We got to pet a porcupine and hang out with a siberian lynx. One of the guys even gave me a hook up with a potential project, maybe even job, for a vegas magic show. Sorry this post is short, and without pics for now, but I hope to correct that soon. We are experiencing issues with our internet connections and are going to end them soon anyways, so things might be a little more touch and go here as I'll be relying on the school's internet access.
EDIT: Here's some pics from Animal Guys: (Gray fox, me and a north american porcupine, me and a 3-toed sloth, siberian lynx)

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